Sunday, September 10, 2006

Feng Shui

By Jennifer Bailey

The location, design, and facing of the house, the arrangement
of the furniture, the position of the mirrors - these are just
some of the things that matter to someone who embraces
the concept of Feng Shui, a famous 3,000-year old Chinese practice.
A lot of business moguls and big-wigs consult Feng Shui
experts to ensure prosperity and good fortune. Even common
individuals who simply want to make their homes, their work,
and their relationships happy and fruitful employ ideas from
this ancient art.
You probably have heard a lot about it, too, and are very
eager to consult Feng Shui experts or use Feng Shui ideas.
But what is Feng Shui really?
Surely, you don't want to suffer great losses or simply become
unfortunate instead of savoring success mainly because you
missed an important point in Feng Shui. It pays to get the right
information. Don't just believe, be sure you have sufficient basis
for the things you believe in.
To give you an overview of its origin, Feng Shui is an old practice
of placing and arranging things or matters to achieve harmony
and balance with the environment. It literally stands for "wind
and water," which was taken from the Book of Burial of the Chinese.
Ancient Chinese civilizations used Feng Shui in designing or laying
out their cities and villages, in building their tombs and houses.
Today, architects and interior designers also integrate principles
of Feng Shui in their works. However, unlike Feng Shui experts
who "feel" the positive energy, they do not rely mainly on their
intuition. Instead, they follow highly complex and complicated
Feng Shui rules.
The practice of Feng Shui and the application of Feng Shui
principles are varied, as Feng Shui itself is so complicated.
However, many Feng Shui principles go back to common sense.
For example, kitchen doors should never be in front of a stove.
Of course, for safety reasons, you should not do this.
If you want to try Feng Shui ideas, though, be sure you don't
miss one very important point: There can be no success without
action. If you yourself do not act, success will not draw closer to
you - even if you use lots of Ba-Guas in your home or in your office.


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