Sunday, September 17, 2006

Feng Shui

Do you have any idea the positioning of your bed in the bedroom could
affect your mode and romance ? Please read the articles posted below

Sunday, September 10, 2006

There's NO Place Like Home -- The Feng Shui Home

By: Carole Provenzale

Whether you’re moving into a new home or coming home
every evening to one you’ve lived in for years, you should
feel that you’re entering your own sacred space or haven.
A place where you feel happy to be and can leave the days
stresses behind you as you enter.
Using the principles of Feng Shui helps to support and balance
you throughout your home from the moment you enter the front door.
Through the art and science of Feng Shui, literally translated to mean
“Wind and Water,” you are seeking to create a peace and harmony
in your home for you and your family.
Although this practice has been in use for thousands of years,
many people are still not familiar with it. It has been practiced
through all these years by Chinese, Asian, Tibetan and even
Native American cultures using all different forms, yet has for
the most part been neglected here in the United States.
At least, until Donald Trump starting speaking up about its virtues.
Other prominent people came forward as well to tout its powers
including Mayor Bloomberg, Bill Clinton and numerous celebrities and stars.
Feng Shui employs many principles including the use of color,
the mindful art of placement, balancing The Five Elements and beautiful,
esoteric blessings and “cures” that have been passed down through
the ages to help homeowners achieve a balance and harmony
they may have not previously had in their homes. We believe your
home should be your retreat and we seek to implement inexpensive,
easy to implement principles to support your health, your career,
your family, your wealth and abundance in all the areas of your life.
Feng Shui is especially important for new homeowners.
Through the rush of packing, closing, moving and other
last minute things, Feng Shui is often left undone.
We often think in Feng Shui terms of what we call Predecessor Energy,
more commonly thought of as the energy left behind from
previous occupants. To make a space truly your own,
we seek to rid the home of any previous energy from anyone
who has lived there prior to your moving in.
Energy can get stuck; if a home was left under unfavorable circumstances,
there is a “feeling” left behind of arguments, sadness or grief and other
unpleasant energy. Feng Shui Consultants clear that out to truly
make the space your own. We then believe you are starting fresh
with not only a new home but one that supports your goals and
dreams for the future in all aspects of your life.
What does a consultation by a qualified consultant consist of?
Most of us like to sit down and speak with you at length, ask
a series of questions to determine what particular aspects
of your life may need more attention then others. For example,
if you don’t have a partner but are seeking to bring one into your life,
if you’re looking to change careers, if you’ve had health issues,
the circumstances under which you moved and anything
you may know about previous owners of the home.
All these factors are taken into account including many more
to help you transform the energy in your home into one that
supports and balances you. Whether using a Bagua or Compass method,
Feng Shui should be explained to you in as much depth as possible
so you can take your new found knowledge and use it in other
spaces in your life, your office for example. An exterior blessing
and interior space clearing should always be included as well as
an exterior evaluation of your home and property to advise you
about any possible “missing pieces” or other areas that require
special attention. A complete walk through of your home
should be done, including suggestions for each and every room
and what you can do to keep a positive flow of energy in
your home and your life through simple and inexpensive methods.
Grandmaster HHH Professor Lin Yun reminds us that Feng Shui
is 90% of your Intentions and only 10% of the cures and changes
you are making. Remember to infuse your thoughts and goals
with the Intentions you want to create for your new space,
make the changes your consultant recommends and watch
your own personal transformations begin.

Life Reading Vs Feng Shui, Which is Important

To start off, let's first talk about life reading.
Now, is life reading really 100% accurate?
The answer is no.
Many have had the misconception that life reading
is able to 100% predict past & future events.
Life reading tools is a tool used to forecast
what is supposed to happen based on one's
heavenly given luck; the Heaven Luck that
follows you along your birth. It is calculated
based on the assumption that there are no presences
of any other external factors of influences around you.
Yes, it is definitely in its way accurate based on given
Heaven Luck. However in this real world, we can't deny
the fact of the presence of other external factors.
Your residing and working environment, your education
received, people to people relationship and etc will all have
direct impact over your life's achievement. And they are
especially so when it comes to your home (the Earth Luck)
and your relationship with people around you (the Human Luck).
It is these factors, which often result in the difference you
experienced from that of your predicted luck from
Life Reading Analysis.
For example, your predicted luck period may be bad. But on
the other hand, your home Feng Shui and nevertheless its
surrounding environment is good. Given such a scenario,
you will often realize that your luck is not exactly that bad as
what was predicted and at times even better.
Now, why is this so? Let's answer this question. How much time
do you normally spent in your home? On the average, half or more
of each day? And that explains why. For most of the time,
you are actually in a good environment, receiving the beneficial
Qi from a good Feng Shui environment, having improving and
enhancing on your Earth Luck.
Now, what is the purpose for getting your personal life
reading analysis? May we assume is to better avoid the
unpleasant and improve your overall luck?
To be advising, by getting your life reading analyzed is not enough.
It is just like going for a health check up. What should happen
if one should misfortunately be diagnosed with some health problem,
some unforeseen cancer? He or she can't just wait to get well on
his or her own. The necessary treatment or operation has to
be arranged. And similarly, it is not possible to wait around and
expect your luck would be tremendously changed and improved
on its own. By discovering your life reading analysis, you are only
advised on how to avoid the unpleasant but do note, your luck
has not in anyway been altered.
What can you do?
Let's take for another example. Based on your annual life analysis,
you are advised not to be involved in any major business investment
for the year. Besides being cautious and avoiding,
what else should you do? What if you are running a business?
You can't possibly be pushing away all business dealings?
This is the time where Feng Shui would come into place
to improve on your wealth luck, which at the same time
minimize and prevent any unnecessary losses. It is a tool on its own
which always bring about beneficial improvement.
To get the best out of things, the combination of different and
functional tools should be used. With the accurate analysis of your
personal life reading, you can better be avoiding the unpleasant.
And with the further correct application of Feng Shui, you can
very much improve on your luck. Complementing one another,
they would certainly be beneficial aids in enhancing one's life achievement.
Now, isn't this getting the best out of both worlds?
Getting both the cake and the pie?
To be answering the question again, one should focus on both
Heaven and Earth Luck and not also forgetting our own actions,
the Human Luck.

Life Reading Vs Feng Shui, Which is Important

Should we focus more on Personal Life Reading (Heaven Luck) or Feng Shui (Earth Luck)? This has always been an argument.
Which is more significant? Heaven Luck or Earth Luck?

Using Feng Shui to Clear the Clutter

Ridding yourself of clutter (even things which were once of
value to your life) makes room in your life for what you really
want and need now, at this point in your life.
Ten Tips for Eliminating Clutter
1. Use the Ultimate Clutter Test ~ Does it lift your energy?
Do you use it? Do you love it? If you answer no to these
questions, it's time to let it go.
2. Give yourself a miniature energy shift ~ Set a kitchen
timer for 30 minutes and clear a small area such as a kitchen
drawer. You will probably find you are feeling more energized
and might have trouble stopping!
3. Put things away within 30 seconds of using them.
~ How many times have you tossed a magazine on the table,
intending to get back to it? Is it still on the coffee table?
Just for today, put everything back in its place.
4. Throw things away often ~ 80% of what is stored or saved
is never used again - that applies to papers, clothes, magazines etc.
Maybe it's time to clean out those old files stored on your
computer or your desk?
5. Make a list of all the unfinished things in your life
~ This could include letters or phone calls you need to make,
someone you need to apologize to, an appliance that doesn't work.
Then set out to complete these things. They have all been draining
your energy.
6. Do a little clutter busting every day ~ Sort mail daily and file
your paperwork. Have a place to put things so you don't waste time
looking for your keys etc.
7. Get rid of old clothes ~ Ask yourself these questions:
Do my clothes represent who I am now? Do they make me
feel good about myself? If your closet is filled with clothes you no longer need, donate them to charity. Open up space in your closet for new things to come in.
8. Clean out your cupboards and refrigerator
~ Do you have any non-perishable items that you know you won't eat?
Donate them to a food bank or offer them to your neighbor.
Get rid of outdated food items in the refrigerator and give it a
good cleaning.
9. Donate books that no longer serve your needs
~ Aim to have a collection of books that represent you as you
are today, not who you were in the past.
10. Think before you buy ~ The next time you go shopping,
ask yourself before you buy something, "Do I really love this and need it?"
As you identify and release your clutter, you free up the energy
held there for more constructive purposes. Your life may take off
in ways you never thought possible.
Clearing your clutter is essential in Feng Shui. What you want
is available to you, but there may be no room in your home and
life for it! Letting go of what no longer serves must occur before
more treasures can come into your life. Releasing clutter can help
you clear life patterns which do not serve you any longer.
The simple act of clearing clutter can transform your life by
releasing negative emotions, generating energy, and allowing you
to create space in your life for the things you want to achieve.
Begin today by choosing one area to begin with, such as a counter
top that has accumulated an entire month of junk mail.
You'll get more, I promise! Keep the clutter-busting simple.
If you look at the whole picture, you might become overwhelmed
and not do anything. As you eliminate the clutter from your
environment, visualize what it is that you are making room for.
This will begin the process of manifestation.

Using Feng Shui to Clear the Clutter

Clearing the clutter and debris in your home and in your personal
life is the first step of Feng Shui and it costs nothing. Clutter is
trapped energy that has a far-reaching effect physically, mentally,
emotionally and spiritually. Clutter makes you feel unorganized,
confused, keeps you in the past, congests your body, and leaves you
feeling lethargic and tired. Clutter is energy constipation and who
needs that?

Feng Shui Decorating

By Jennifer Bailey

According to an ancient Chinese philosophy, there is a need to
balance natural and structural energy that courses around the
environment. Palpable manifestations of this energy can be a
well-meaning and prosperous lifestyle. This energy (called “chi”
in Chinese language) is organized into five elements. These are:
metal, fire, wood, water, and earth.
These forms of energy are constantly streaming around positive
and negative wavelengths. Moreover, it is claimed that this
universal life energy can be balanced by positioning the objects
in their proper places. By doing so, it is said to improve the
general well-being of people and their present relationships
as well as achieving prosperity in their economic status.
The balancing of the energy around us is an application of
Feng Shui decorating. It originated from Chinese culture,
but Feng Shui is already a worldwide trend. Literally,
Feng Shui means “wind and water,” and is a popular practice
of application to create a balanced environment in a specific area.
The application is used in decorating a home, office, or any similar
establishment wherein an amalgamation of ancient Chinese
mathematics, interior design, architecture, and simple rules
of good housekeeping is utilized as the formula.
There are various Feng Shui products that anybody can use to
incorporate into their space. Various elements, such as lighting,
mirrors, placement of furniture, and landscaping are some of the
decorating techniques used to optimize human potential.
One belief of Feng Shui is that sharp corners and angles should
be avoided, as these are considered destructive elements and
can hinder the energy levels from flowing through and instead
redirect harmful ones. Evergreen is also believed to be a good
luck symbol, so a simple bamboo plant is used in Feng Shui decorations.
If the process of decoration has been properly applied, starting
with accurate placement of objects to appropriately administer
various procedures, success will manifest at once. When the
clutter and untidiness are gone, constriction and inertia in the
corresponding aspects of life will also leave the place. This is explained
through the principles of the Yin and Yang theory. Apparently,
as the insinuation of belief made by Feng Shui, the result will
have a profound impact on balance and harmony in the environment.

Feng Shui Products

By Jennifer Bailey

Feng Shui – the Chinese art and practice of positioning and designing
things so as to improve the quality of life — is a very ancient tradition,
and yet it continues to be popular and widely used today. Could it be
because of its long-time proven effectiveness? Or simply because it
was well-accepted in the ancient and pre-modern times and so now
in the modern age, people have just carried on this old tradition?
Whether Feng Shui is true or not, reality is that a lot of people still
adhere to its principles. And this steadfast popularity of Feng Shui
greatly influences other people to use Feng Shui as well. Business
tycoons, famous politicians, movie actors, and other big personalities
who believe in this ancient art of placement are among the
biggest influences.
Several Feng Shui products have also found their way to public
markets. These are very attractive even to persons who are not
necessarily strong Feng Shui believers. In fact, most of the buyers
of these Feng Shui products are hopefuls – they are taking their
chances in products which may bring them some good luck or
more fortune.
Feng Shui prosperity stones are one of the most popular Feng Shui
products you can buy almost anywhere are. They are also known
as the Ammolites. They are believed to have healing properties,
so they are mostly used by those who have physical, emotional,
psychological, and even spiritual ailments.
There is also the ever popular Ba-Gua Octagon. It is strategically
placed in homes and offices to determine the preferred locations
of the rooms in the building. The mirror on the octagon is also said
to drive mad energy away. The front door must be at the bottom
of the octagon.
Other products are figurines made of Chinese jade, old Chinese wood,
luxurious chests and boxes with traditional Chinese dragon designs.
To some, these Feng Shui products are more than just bringers of luck.
They may not even be interested in its effects to one’s fortune,
but rather to its ornamental features, its age, its material, and the
story behind it. Collectors, historians, and artists are among those
who may also be very interested in these Feng Shui items.

Feng Shui Tips

By Jennifer Bailey

Feng Shui has played a significant role in the lives of many
people for more than three thousands years now.
This ancient practice and art of positioning and
arranging things is not only popular among the Chinese
who first practiced Feng Shui, but also among many
other nations, including those in the West.
The principles of Feng Shui are aimed at achieving
harmony and balance in one's life and with the environment
in which the person lives. It is believed that the patterns
of yin and yang have good and bad effects on persons and
things that inherently have this energy called the “chi.”
When furniture, doors, windows, and other things inside
the home, an office, or any other building are placed correctly,
harmony can be achieved. As a consequence, the life of the
persons living in or occupying the place can be improved.
Thus, those who wish for better health, more wealth, and
happier relationships, consult Feng Shui experts for tips.
Here are some interesting Feng Shui tips you can follow to
achieve a healthier environment at home and improved
relationship with your loved ones:
1. Keep the main door of your house clean and clear. It is
believed that the chi goes with the wind, and so it can bring
the bad smell of those dirty shoes, for example, and the dirt
into the house and thereby cause illness.
2. Don't place mirrors opposite or at the side of your bed as
this could cause a third party to meddle into your current
3. Don't use double deck beds as this would prevent the
“chi” from properly circulating underneath the upper bed.
The person occupying the lower bed may have poor health.
4. If you have decorative swords or knives, make sure that
the tips are pointing in the direction of the windows and doors.
5. Keep your working table clean and neat. Remove piles of
papers, as these could obstruct positive energies from coming.
These are just some tips you can follow. Though these may
be true, it is not good to rely on them alone. Remember that
you are the main actor in your life. What you do today will
determine your success in the future. Besides, all good things
must come from hard work.

Feng Shui

By Jennifer Bailey

The location, design, and facing of the house, the arrangement
of the furniture, the position of the mirrors - these are just
some of the things that matter to someone who embraces
the concept of Feng Shui, a famous 3,000-year old Chinese practice.
A lot of business moguls and big-wigs consult Feng Shui
experts to ensure prosperity and good fortune. Even common
individuals who simply want to make their homes, their work,
and their relationships happy and fruitful employ ideas from
this ancient art.
You probably have heard a lot about it, too, and are very
eager to consult Feng Shui experts or use Feng Shui ideas.
But what is Feng Shui really?
Surely, you don't want to suffer great losses or simply become
unfortunate instead of savoring success mainly because you
missed an important point in Feng Shui. It pays to get the right
information. Don't just believe, be sure you have sufficient basis
for the things you believe in.
To give you an overview of its origin, Feng Shui is an old practice
of placing and arranging things or matters to achieve harmony
and balance with the environment. It literally stands for "wind
and water," which was taken from the Book of Burial of the Chinese.
Ancient Chinese civilizations used Feng Shui in designing or laying
out their cities and villages, in building their tombs and houses.
Today, architects and interior designers also integrate principles
of Feng Shui in their works. However, unlike Feng Shui experts
who "feel" the positive energy, they do not rely mainly on their
intuition. Instead, they follow highly complex and complicated
Feng Shui rules.
The practice of Feng Shui and the application of Feng Shui
principles are varied, as Feng Shui itself is so complicated.
However, many Feng Shui principles go back to common sense.
For example, kitchen doors should never be in front of a stove.
Of course, for safety reasons, you should not do this.
If you want to try Feng Shui ideas, though, be sure you don't
miss one very important point: There can be no success without
action. If you yourself do not act, success will not draw closer to
you - even if you use lots of Ba-Guas in your home or in your office.

How To Make Wind Chimes

By Eric Morris

Wind chimes actually originate from the chimes used as
musical instruments in Ancient China for religious affairs
and ceremonies. Other neighboring Eastern Asian countries
adopted them as a powerful Feng Shui element. The music
they produce as the wind blows is said to be transformed into
energy that can bring in health, wealth, and prosperity.
Everyone can make wind chimes. They can be made using
materials aside from the commonly used bamboo, metal,
shells or glass; you can also use coconut, plastic, natural stones,
steel, or ceramics that can be shaped and positioned in
various forms, styles, and designs. Other materials can also
be combined and can be arranged as lanterns or mobiles.
Handy Tips in Making Wind Chimes
It is preferable to use hollow wood tubes or rods in making
wood wind chimes. You can have them painted or varnished
for added protection and style. Wind chimes made from wood
can be easily exposed to the negative effects of sunlight and
harsh weather, which can speed up their damage. However,
choosing the right types of materials can maximize their full use.
There are various types of glass materials that you can use in
making glass wind chimes, ranging from simple used bottles,
crystal and glass beads to stained glass, vintage glasswares,
and depression glass. The string that secures the pieces of
glass together must be of good durable quality or else you may
end up with brittle string connections that can destroy or shatter
your glass wind chimes.
Wind chimes made from metal can produce deep rich sound tones,
although the sound may also depend on the position of the
components, the manner of stringing the materials together,
or the thickness of the metals.
Be sure to prepare all the materials needed before you start
with your wind chimes project. You can pattern the wind
chimes after designs in newspapers or magazines, or you
can experiment and have your own style simply by using
your imagination and creativity.
By LiLian Too

LILLIAN TOO explains the 24 directions of the
Feng shui compass. Condensed into a single ring
around the Luo Pan, the 24 mountains comprise
the three subdirections of the eight major compass
directions and are the single most fundamental
concept needed to be understood in compass
feng shui practice.
Anyone who wishes to learn compass formula
feng shui - which is the scientific and technical
dimension of feng shui practice - must familiarize
themselves with the 24 mountains. This refers to
the 24 compass subdirections which feature in just
about every formula on feng shui requiring the use
of a compass. These subdirections are featured in the
Chinese luo pan (feng shui compass) and are condensed
into one ring of information round the central compass.
The 24 mountains come in fifteen degree segments, so
you can see that 15 multiplied by 24 will give us the
360 degrees that make up the full circle of a compass.
These subdirections are the basis of Eight Mansions and Flying Star. They are also the basis of the Water Dragon formulas and other Zuan Kong sub-formulations derived from the main Flying Star formula. So when you read any of my simplified books on these methods of feng shui, you will have been introduced to these 24 sub-directions. And to practise formula feng shui, thereby benefiting from the many ancient secrets of this precious living skill, you will need a feng shui compass which has these 24 directions properly indicated. Amateur practitioners do not need to use the Chinese Luo Pan, but having a proper feng shui compass with the 24 sub-directions clearly marked out is incredibly helpful. You can find such a compass at any of our boutiques where we have asked world-renowned Swedish compass maker SILVA to manufacture just such a compass for us.
Possessing a compass is important because all feng shui formulas categorize buildings according to their facing directions, and these recognize the 24 directions in their formulas. So to use formula feng shui and benefit from the charts derived from the formulations it is VITAL to know how to identify and use the 24 subdirections.
Old texts and classical books on formula feng shui always refer to the 24 directions by their special names, and unless one is familiar with the names of the directions, one will immediately get lost in a sea of meaningless text. This is because these names have no other meanings apart from being labels that describe the sub-direction. So even if you know Chinese, unless you have some knowledge of feng shui, the texts become difficult to follow and understand. When you become familiar with the names however, you will realize that the names of the 24 mountains also double up as names of trigrams, heavenly stems and earthly branches - and these make up the elements of days, months and years of the Chinese calendar. So from the names alone, one can study the links between time dimension feng shui and the Chinese calendar.
Studying these connections is what makes up much of the course syllabus in advanced feng shui. T he connection with the calendar is vital because feng shui is not a static practice. It is dynamic, taking account of changes in the flow of Chi that resonate in accordance with the passage of time. For the amateur practitioner, knowing about the 24 compass directions will already give you a quantum leap in understanding.
THE FLOW OF CHI Feng shui is wind and water, which flow in accordance with the flow of Chi. How the Chi from the environment enters and leaves an abode offer important clues to its attributes and quality. Feng shui expertise enables a practitioner to study the strength and attributes of Chi, which changes in accordance to the direction, and strength of its flow. So taking accurate directions is an important facet of practicing feng shui. Even amateur practitioners should endeavour to get the directions right. Try not to base your feng shui on estimates of directions. Always use a compass.
BASIC COMPASS DIRECTION Primary Directions are North, South, East and West - these are the four directions guarded by the celestial guardians the dragon, the tiger, the tortoise and the phoenix. They are also the directions of the four heavenly kings who protect you from those who would lead you astray and get you into trouble. The four primary directions of any home must always be adequately "protected". It can be said that these four directions emanate heaven Chi. The sub-directions that fall exactly North, South, East and West are always YIN sub-directions.
Secondary Directions are Southwest, Northeast, Southeast and Northwest. These four directions signify the basic family unit, the father, the mother, the son and the daughter, so depending on your place in the family, each of these four directions are deemed to be "good " for you. For instance, the SW direction and location of any abode is always beneficial for the mother and the NW for the father. This is because NW is the father direction, SW the mother direction, NE the son direction and SE the daughter direction. Note also that the sub-directions of these four directions are always YANG directions.

Garden Feng Shui: Adding the Elements of Wood and Water

By Stephanie Gottschalk

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of placement and
arrangement to create a harmonious feel, can help make
your garden a much more serene place to relax. Incorporating
Feng Shui into your garden is very easy with Bamboo
Feng Shui Fountains.
Water is an incredibly important element in any garden
– it represents wealth and heavenly blessings, and using
it ensures that you always have the positive ‘chi’, or energy,
associated with it. Fountains are the most convenient and
effective way to use the element of water in your garden,
because they make certain that it is always clear and flowing
– never stagnant.
Bamboo fountains not only bring the peace and harmony of
Feng Shui into your outdoor space, they’re also beautiful and
very easy to set up. They can simply be placed on the side of
any bowl with the pump placed in the water, and they’re
ready to use! Bamboo water spouts can be used with any
decorative bowls wide enough to accommodate the base of
the fountain. You can also use them in your garden pond.
They’re small enough to be moved inside when winter
arrives, so you can continue enjoying the benefits of flowing
water through the cold season.
The sophisticated, minimalist elegance of these fountains complement nearly any style of garden décor. Bamboo water spout fountains typically come in two styles: the traditional kind that sits on the edge of a container, or ‘deer chasers’, which combine aesthetics, sound, and motion. With deer chasers, the fountain has a bamboo ‘arm’ that rocks forward when it fills with water, then rocks backward to create a gentle ‘clacking’ sound. Deer Chasers require a flat space next to your container or pond to be set up. The base is covered with rocks, and the spout should be positioned so that it will re-circulate the water back into the container.
Bamboo fountains will attract birds and other wildlife to your outdoor space, and are also safe to use in ponds containing fish and other marine life. They’re simple, elegant, and make inexpensive and very unique gifts.

Feng Shui -- Chi

What are the effects of disharmonized chi? Here are three prominent examples.
• Negative chi, caused by excessive light and artificial energy
(such as air conditioning), can cause mental and physical exhaustion.
• Strong chi (like that produced by dampness and drafts)
can result in two polarized attitudes, depending on the
person: either excessive emotion and overexcitement, or
depression and lack of direction.
• Fast-flowing chi (which you can feel on very windy days)
can make one over talkative and paranoid, fearful of personal
Just as placement and position have everything to do with
achieving the best flow of chi in our physical environments,
so too does our physical countenance. How we dress and
wear makeup, and even the food we eat, have a direct result
or our chi.
And, why, precisely, is our chi so important? In Chinese medicine it is the unencumbered flow of chi that is seen as a prerequisite to good health. Unlike Western medicine, which treats individual health symptoms, Eastern medicine treats the body as a whole Thus, doing whatever necessary to unblock our chi is of prime concern to our physical and psychological health.

Improve Your Feng Shui: Understanding Chi

Anyone who has had acupuncture or shiatsu massage already
knows about chi. These practices are both based on the
existence of a network of meridians running throughout
the body-meridians that must flow unblocked if chi is to
function maximally and we are to feel our best.
While blood carries oxygen and nutrients, chi carries
thoughts, ideas, emotions, and dreams. What you
think-and the way that you think - has a great deal
of influence on outcomes in our lives. This goes way
beyond the rather hackneyed idea of the "power of
positive thinking."
How is this so? Because chi is much more than a
concept; it is actually an energy force that pervades
both living things and inanimate objects. Thus,
manipulating our chi has everything in the world to
do with the success or failure, happiness or sadness,
which we experience every single day of our lives.

Improve Your Feng Shui: Understanding Chi

First, let's say it out loud: chee. (If you've been saying "chai,"
don't feel bad-most of us did at one point or another!)
Easy to say, harder to understand. Chi is one of those words
that, like shalom in Hebrew, has many different meanings
in modern English. It can mean energy, life force, or breath.
It also means vapor, a nice metaphorical variation of its
basic definition. That said, we instantly see why this
concept is so very important to the study of feng shui.
But chi also has a larger meaning, one that is very much
more than the sum of its parts. Chi is a "breath force" of
energy-unseen but very much felt-that radiates life into
and through all living things.
As Such, chi is a focal point not only of feng shui and other
Asian disciplines, but of Chinese medicine as well. Whereas
Western doctors typically treat a symptom, Chinese doctors
seek to cure or realign the body as a whole in order to have
the body perform at its peak and to eliminate one or more
medical issues at any given time.

Unleashing the Power of Feng Shui For Romance

Natural Sounds and Features
Elements found in nature- whether they be sounds or actual
objects- have a calming way of settling things down to a point
where you and your partner can feel each other’s essence
more clearly. That is why sound is an important element in
Feng Shui for romance. For instance, a small water fountain
creates not only an element of chi for positive energy,
but also creates the sound of nature through running water
and significantly expands your sincerity and openness to
new experiences. Just this itself will open you and your partner
to deeper conversation. You may begin to feel romantic a
vibration passing from one person to the other and back again.
Flowers are another example of natural elements. People
around the world use roses in to bring romance into a room.
The rose is a flower recognized as symbolic of love, so it’s only
natural for it to be the first flower to come to mind when trying
to create romantic energy. However, lilies, lilacs, and baby
breath are also living flowers that can create energy which
can transform into romance when other elements are linked
in the same space. If you aren’t big on flowers, small indoor
plants such as ferns and palms offer their own beauty and
presence of serenity and openness, resulting in increased
Feng Shui for romance.

Power of Feng Shui For Romance

All-powerful Crystal
Almost certainly one of the most well-liked romance elements to be
included in a living space is pink quartz crystal. Hanging pink quartz
above your bed or in a corner of the bedroom invites a massive flow
of romantic energy into the space. This facilitates setting the mood for
romantic nights, and can even explode the sexual energy between you
and your partner.

Unleashing the Power of Feng Shui For Romance

Through arranging furniture in a manner that allows for
effortless flow of chi, eliminating clutter, and removing old
energy by using methods like loud bangs of noise or unique
incenses, you will be on your way to using Feng Shui for romance.
Next we will give you detailed ideas for romance chi into action
all through your bedroom.

Power of Feng Shui For Romance

Creating a Feng Shui home environment is fun,
but did you know you can use Feng Shui for romance
in your bedroom? Doing so encompasses all the elements
of Feng Shui employed throughout a house, while adding
specific elements that are meant specially for generating
romance and a positive love life within the four walls of your bedroom.

Healthy Feng Shui - Energy Healing and the Mind/Body Connection

Find the following article

By Carole Provenzale

I am called to client’s homes for a Feng Shui Consultation for many different
reasons. Sometimes they just feel a little stuck, often they know on some
level they need changes and aren’t quite sure what to do. I am very often
called to new homes to bless them, clear them of “predecessor energy” and
get the new occupants off to the best possible start in their new surroundings.
Other times, still, it is just a deep curiosity of reading and hearing about Feng Shui
that gives them an interest in looking at their space through what we like to call
“Feng Shui Eyes.”
Most recently I have noticed a different pattern; I am often called these days
because of health issues and traditional medications and doctor recommendations
have either not helped or have been so invasive they have chosen a different
perspective for their healings and are looking into alternative medicine. While
I am not an Energy Healer, I do work with a few as my background includes
working for a long period of time in Wholistic Health. It was during this time
that I truly began to see the connection of our essence, our very energy in
connection to the healings that I witnessed quite often.
During my studies then and my continuing studies of the Energy we are
surrounded with, I am convinced we call into our life many of the dis-eases in
our bodies; we actually create them for one reason or another. For some of us,
our daily lives become overwhelming, yet we feel too “stuck” or afraid to make
some dramatic changes. Some people experience bouts of depression and find
the medications unhelpful or simply don’t wish to take them due to their possible
side effects. While I never advocate not following “doctors orders” I can often
give them a different view and perspective into why they have gotten ill and
recommend some people that I myself have worked with and have helped me
when I was quite ill myself.
With more and more studies being done and the wonderful work of
Dr. Wayne Dyer and others like him, we are becoming more receptive to
less invasive and powerful cures that years ago were not even thought of.
The places to go today for Energy Healing are composed of Intent and our own
Empowerment. If you believe as I do that energy surrounds us all and we are
affected by it, positively or negatively, then it would make perfect sense that it
will have a profound effect on our health. Our own surroundings can comfort,
support and promote transformations according to Feng Shui Principles and the
mind is the most powerful tool in the Universe for healing.
Having experienced a healing myself (and feeling better then ever!), I can personally recommend an energetic form of healing by different modalities with committed
and qualified people, also often used in conjunction with traditional medicines.
My continuing studies in this modality combined with my own experiences lead me
to write this article; if something feels not quite “right” to you with a doctor,
treatment or prognosis or you wish to use Energy Healing in conjunction with
your treatments, seek someone qualified to help you on the subject and send
you to the proper people for enhanced benefits. Transformations do occur, in
our homes, our health and our lives if we’re open to receiving them.